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EASA PART 66- Module - 5 AME Exam - EFIS(Electronic Flight Instument System) Basics and Introduction.

EASA PART 66 - MODULE 5 - Digital Techniques Electronic Instrument system.


   1.EFIS(Electronic Flight Instrument System)


An Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) is a flight deck instrument display system in which the display technology used is electronic rather than electromechanical.

EFIS Generally Consists of-
1. PFD - Primary Flight Display.
2. Weather Radar .
3. EICAS - Engine Indicating and Crew Alerting System.
4.ECAM - Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring.
5. MFD - Multi Function Display .

In old Aircraft there were all Analogue Systems , The basic instruments required to fly an aircraft are the BASIC SIX INSTRUMENTS  which consist of -

1. Airspeed Indicator(ASI).
2. Attitude Indicator.                                               
3. Altimeter.
4. Turn coordinator.
5. Heading Indicator.
6. Vertical Speed Indicator(VSI).


So, these were the basic six , in old aircrafts pilots monitored all the instruments one by one .In analogue systems some pilots also faced Parallax Error problems so in order to mix all the instruments in a single display EFIS was introduced.

By the Introduction of Weather radar and FMS(Flight Management system) the analogue gauges were now turned into CRT screens which showed the information which was electromechanically generated . But the EFIS is fully digital and the CRTS were replaced by LCD screens.

 The  complex  electromechanical attitude  director  indicator (ADI)  and horizontal  situation
indicator (HSI) were the first candidates for replacement by EFIS. 

EFIS installations vary greatly. A light aircraft might be equipped with one display unit, on which flight and navigation  data  are  displayed.  A  wide-body  aircraft  is  likely  to  have  six  or  more  display  units.

EFIS is Comprised of LCD Control panels , symbol generators and Remote Light Sensor Units. 

*EFIS Architecture -

 An  EFIS installation will follow the sequence:

• Displays
• Controls
• Data processors

A basic EFIS might have all these facilities in the one unit.

EFIS Architecture of An A320 ↓↓↓


All the traditional flight instruments are replaced by EFIS with a six screen CRT or LCD displays , displaying flight information in most convenient form. This is what a glass cockpit but in glass cockpits all the Displays are LED displays rather than CRT or LCD.

A GLASS COCKPIT is an aircraft cockpit that features EFIS . All Displays are LED.


  • All the basic flight instruments were incorporated in a single display . As a result , it will reduce the overall weight and increase its accuracy .
  • This instruments are highly Calibrated and highly Reliable .
  • It can reduce the pilot difficulties towards various analogue instruments.
  • It reduces all the Parallax Errors from the displays .
  • Uniformity could be maintained.
  • Free from repeated maintenance Review.
  • Low Power consumption .
  • High Service Life .
  • Moderate Costing .
  • Easy Installation .

*Cockpit Layout -

A Cockpit has Basically 6 panels -

  • Over Head Panel (OHP)
  • Glare Shield Panel
  • Captain Review Panel
  • F/O Review Panel
  • Centre Review Panel
  • Pedestal Panel

*Over Head Panel -

The overhead panel is the nerve center of the aircraft systems and replaces many of the controls previously located on the flight engineers panel. It is categorized as -
  • Port side overhead Panel (i.e - captain side)
  • Centre OHP
  • Star board side OHP(F/O Side)
The OHP may comprised of  -
  • Electrical system switches and monitoring panels.
  • Anti- icing / De-icing Systems control panels.
  • A/C pressurization System Control Panel.
  • Fuel Pumps monitoring control panel.
  • IRS (Inertial Reference System). 
  • Cockpit windows + Probes heating system.
  • Leading Edge Devices Indications.
  • A/C Lights switches .
  • Engines and APU (Auxiliary Power Unit) Starting Switches .
  • Hydraulics Monitoring Panels. 
For Practical knowledge Lets Consider B737 NG OHP-

The Switches used in OHP are TOGGLE SWITCHES (on-off or some other fxn).


The glareshield panel, commonly referred to as the MCP, contains not only the Mode Control Panel, but also the master caution lights & annunciations, fire warning lights and, on the NG's, the EFIS control panels. Whilst the MCP has evolved with the autopilot, the master caution and fire warning lights have remained unchanged through to the present day which is testimony to its good initial design.

B737NG Glare shield -


A Main Display panel consist of - Pilot review panel , F/O review panel and Centre Review Panel .

Pilot and F/o panel has - PFD , Weather radar and ILS displays .

Centre review panel - EICAS , Aux.EICAS , ECAM and CDU (Control Display unit).

B737NG main display -


It normally contains the throttle and other engine controls, input keyboards for the navigational system,  etc. also consist of Fire warning and extinguishing systems, VHF (Very High Frequency )communication controls .


So, this was the EFIS System . Now for a detailed study of Working of basic six , EFIS , ECAM and EICAS Plz Refer my Next Blog...... Coming soon ....
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For external reference use  -, Aircraft Electricity and Electronics by - Eismin , Aircraft Instruments By EHJ Pallet ,
Pilots hand book of aeronautical knowledge(PHAK - FAA). 

 -Nisarg Mistry    





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